Wednesday, October 10, 2007

About half-way

On each of these school-visit trips I've had (or will have) travel companions. Although it can be nice to explore a city on one's own, without having to compromise on the sights to see or when or where to eat, it is also nice to share the experience with others.

I am especially glad that it worked out for my dear friend Jan and his boyfriend John-Arne to meet me in Boston, about half way between Denmark and California. It's been over 3 years since we last met up in Copenhagen, though it feels just like yesterday. For our reunion dinner we dined on lasagne and chicken florentine, followed by beers and ice cream.

The food was tasty and the company entertaining. Definitely a good first-night in Boston.


Creative Mama said...

you look soo happy... looks like your having a good time!

DeniseMarie said...

Hello Jan! This may be unfair, I know, and overstepping the bounds of our acquaintanceship, but I'm tasking you and John-Arne with making sure Kelly doesn't have too much fun in Boston. Put pebbles in her shoes, dampen her bedsheets before she crawls into bed at night--I don't care what you have to do. But Boston (while dearly loved by me as much as Kelly) is much too far away. I miss her. So while you're secretly tormenting her, also give her a hug on my behalf. It's nice to see your smiling faces, and despite my selfish desires for Kelly to remain geographically close, I am very glad you're all there together and having such a nice time.

Molly W. said...

Again I must quote Janet Jackson "Come back to me...I'm beggin' you please..." :) Miss you!

b said...

You guys do seem to be having way too much fun! Hejsaa fyr! Tusind, tusind tak fordi, I vil slaebe ting til os hele vejen fra DK. Jan og John-Arne: du ser saa glad ud! Passe godt paa min lille, skroebelig soester (hun bliver pisse-sur naar jeg siger saadan noget. :))

Hygge jer!

John-Arne said...

Takk. Vi er faktisk veldig lykkelig og vi har det veldig morsomt i Boston. Vi skal selvsagt ta vare paa din soester, men hun er veldig selvstendig og bestemt. Boston passer fint for henne.
