Monday, October 29, 2007

Mini Donuts

Wouldn't this be so much fun to have? If it made yeast donuts instead of cake, I would put this on my Christmas Wish-List for sure. It doesn't hurt that they are miniature size; I love almost anything mini like this.

And I love Williams-Sonoma! I'm thinking of getting a Holiday job there, just for fun.


DeniseMarie said...

I could never get a holiday job at WS or Crate & Barrel because I'd spend all of my earnings on stuff. Stuff like this little donut maker, even though--like you--I far prefer yeast donuts. And colored stirring spoons, juice glasses with funky designs on them, cheese plates, a swanky coffee maker, napkin rings in all shapes and sizes, cookbooks, baking mixes, and endless amounts of holiday decorations. The list goes on and on.

Kellyry said...

This is PRECISELY why I would get a job there... :-P

Kim said...

to me a donut is a donut - and I would eat all of those in one handful like a bunch of m&m's! Except it would be handful after handful. I simply could not own one, for health purposes :)

Rama said...

I'm so with you, Kell! For years, every time I see a Williams-Sonoma catalog I think I should apply for a job there. Seeing those mini donuts has made me crave one, now. Maybe the chocolate cake in my fridge will have to suffice for now!