Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, I gotta say, this year was another winner. The turkey and resulting drippings, which were turned into a tasty gravy were oh so delicious, if I do say so myself. And all of the accompanying dishes contributed by each of my guests were consumed with enthusiasm.

It was a great time with great food and great company. And as I sit here, sad to realize this was the last time I'll have this party with these friends, I am simultaneously enormously grateful for each and every person here tonight (Clockwise below: Rama, Dave, Tim, Sarah, Julia, Jeremy, Adam, Charlyn, Kirsten, Jeff, Mike, Matt, Brandi, Denise, Lauren & Molly). They are among my most favorite people in the entire world, and I'm going to miss all of them, as I do those unable to be here tonight because they live far, far away, in places like Portland.


Abby... the Oregonian said...

thanks for the pics of the party. glad you all had fun, but missed you last night. what's up with julia and jeremy, are they back together...

b said...

Great party, Kell. M has been to 3 TP's and I, all 5. We were talking on the way home about how each year has had a character of its' own.

Molly W. said...

It was FAB as usual Kel, thanks for going to all that work -I LOVE that tradition.

Phoebe said...

I need to work on the whole Brining thing. Instructions?

Kellyry said...

Two words on brining: Williams-Sonoma. I've used their mix for the past 3 years and I am convinced it's the key to the most succulent, moist turkey ever. That, coupled with a flavorful butter to baste with, and you're almost guaranteed a winner. I suggest brining almost 24 hours if you can.

Rama said...

We had a lot of fun. Thanks for a great evening, and, as usual, a very yummy turkey. The only gravy I ever seem to like is yours!