Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I rue the day...

I subscribed to Daily Candy. Ok, maybe not. For D.C. led me to this:

I LOVE the plum color. I'm counting the minutes till the stores open at 10am to find out how much my new best friend would cost me. 26 minutes to go...

UPDATE @ 10:41 am: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :-(


DeniseMarie said...

How much.....?

Kellyry said...


Can I anyway? Pretty please?

Liz said...

That bag is fantastic and that is one of my all time favorite colors. I guess I could buy it instead of paying my rent...

DeniseMarie said...


Kellyry said...

It's either the bag or....I'm not sure what I'd have to sacrifice. A body limb I'm sure. I've paid $300 for a bag, and I've lusted after ones that were double & triple that, but I've not convinced myself to take the plunge on such a purchase. I'd have to love this bag in person as much as I do in the picture, and I'm not sure when I'll make it to NYC to buy one of the few plum colored bags left.

b said...

A few words from your sister--probably notorious and being secretly snickered at for NOT owning a bag that costs more than $50:

Adorable bag. Scrumptious color. But seriously--there are so many cute bags at Target, Nine West, etc. How can A FREAKIN'PURSE truly be worth all the sacrifice? That's like numerous facials, massages, a round trip ticket somewhere wonderful or if I was really, really mean I would disclose a fact like how many young girls you could free out of prostitution or kids you could send to school. Ok, that was low, I know--but it's true.

I will love you no matter what and genuinely join admiration of your new best friend if it becomes your new best friend. But I did feel it my duty to put in my 2cents.

Stepping off the soapbox now before I get kicked in the teeth.

Kellyry said...

All good points, B.

The goal is to find a less-expensive but still fabulous alternative to the bag. It's clearly not something I have to have, but you know when you see something and are instantly struck by how wonderful it is? Every once in a while that happens, as it did with this bag.

Creative Mama said...

there is something lavish and almost royal about carrying a bag that you know... even if no one else notices... cost you one leg...

you hold your head up higher... you walk with purpose... :)

It is lovely... (i'd be partial to it in lime green or brown)

maybe for a graduation gift some nice someone could get it for you... you could say you would use it like a brief case of sorts... :)