Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Art find

I've always wanted to find a great stately portrait of an 18th-century lady from Europe. I found this one on Etsy that I'm considering. Her hair and dress lead me to believe she's from Spain or Portugal.

I love the painting and the frame. I think I'm going to buy it.

Update 11:55am: I think I already bought it...


Molly W. said...

you are hysterical...I shouldn't be surprised that you would want something like this -heck, I just picked up a massive "W" but...why again were you wanting one?No judgement, just curious. :)Also..dare I ask how much you paid?

Kellyry said...

Why do I want one? Hmmmm...there is just something so stately and traditional about these types of portrait paintings that grounds one's art collection. There is also the mystery in wondering who this person is/was, what sort of life they led, etc. I think the human elemant is intriguing. Also, I love the classic, black background common in such portraits. It suits my color scheme quite well.

Cost: $89.00

DeniseMarie said...

Antique portrait=$89.00
Matching one's color scheme= priceless.

Molly W. said...

I'll be eager to check out the new addition in your lovely abode.

Creative Mama said...

um... i think it's funny... not notice it at all... BUT I KNOW it will look lovely in your home... and I embrace your formal feminine side... even if I don't know much about either... xo,s