Friday, July 18, 2008

The Portland BAM's: Days 3-4

Saturday morning I met up with the Osborns to do a little family photo shoot (look for a post later), while Mike played in an Imago Dei kickball tournament. We returned home and had lunch, a nap for Audrey, and then that previously mentioned UH-MAZE-ING donut. Here it is again, along with a few signs that caught my eye downtown.

Following the feast of the donut, Mike & I met up with Bran & Audrey at a neighbor's co-ed Baby Shower BBQ. There Audrey played with her new same-aged friend Katie, who lives conveniently right next door with her parents Jen & Victor. I observed that two-year olds rarely interact together. Instead, they stand close by and observe, at times immitating, other times ignoring.
Audrey loved touching & hugging Jen's pregnant belly. I'd say she's ready for a sibling, eh?
My last morning with BAM included a delicious breakfast at Papa Haydn's, followed by a little family photo shoot. A few favorites include...
The Morris' doing Zoolander's 'Blue Steel'
Keeping A happy (past her naptime) with Tic-Tacs
Audrey so serious (probably wondering why I'm crawling on my belly on the grass)
Love you, BAM! And miss you all already. Thanks for the cozy bed, the Fruit Loop treats and your company. Looking forward to our next Chicago, perhaps?
You can see all the photos from my Days 1-4 with BAM in Portland HERE.
Or more family photos HERE.

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

SO fun. That "sin" sign is hilarious! Cool pics.