Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Copenhagen - Day 2

Whilst visiting me in Denmark, Molly, who is of Norwegian descent, had a particular interest in going to Sweden. (Yes, Sweden. You see, M is a HUGE fan of Swedish antiques and her one wish was to see actual Swedish antiques IN Sweden.) So one day we took the train across Oeresund Sea to Malmo, a Swedish border city. Unfortunately for Molls, Malmo turned out to not be a thriving Swedish antique center, and nary a painted clock or table was to be found. (I promised we would return some other time and head further north where such furniture is plentiful.) An enjoyable day was had nonetheless, with lunch, shopping and wandering around.

Our second day concluded with a traditional Danish meal of frikadellar (a kind of meatball), roasted potatoes and brown gravy (compliments of Jan who had dinner waiting for us upon our return) followed by a movie.

Proof she was there! (Even if the antiques were not.)

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

I was in Sweden! I was! I was! I WILL go back one day...and there WILL be Swedish antiques to be seen!! Ah...so fun.