Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I went home from work last night intending to study away the evening until a classmate came over to go over a paper, and then study some more after she left.

Well, first I had to straighten up just a smidge (i.e. do the 2 (3?) week old dishes, a load of laundry, wipe the bathroom sink/faucet/mirror, sweep up the hair from the floor, make the bed, sort the mail, take out the trash, pick up the fallen flower petals from the carpet, put away the last of the plates/platters/pitchers/serving-pieces sitting in bags on my kitchen floor since the baby shower 2 weeks ago, etc). Once that was done I was able to get about 20 minutes of studying done before Rhonda (classmate) arrived. And then Idol came on, and then DWTS, and then I remembered I hadn't watched Monday night's episode of Bachelor. (Sorry Ian & Danielle! But I didn't expect either of you to last, even though I liked you both!). And then it was bedtime.
I read about 10 pages, maybe 6, or 6. TONIGHT. It's all about the studying. At least until the ANTM finale watching at D's.

BAD, Kelly!

1 comment:

DeniseMarie said...

Yes, bad Kelly indeed! But I would have done the same thing..... Tonight I'm kicking you out as soon as ANTM is over with instructions to go straight home, turn off your phone, and get to work (the studying variety, of course).