Saturday, September 20, 2008

On toasting bread, being mentally tired & Chi-town pride

I don't have a toaster. It was one of those items that, when packing last fall, it was suggested I could easily buy again, rather than taking up space when packing & shipping it across country. Considering all the other crap I kept, I probably could've found room for an itty-bitty toaster. I suppose given my limited kitchen space, I don't really have room for a gaggle of single-use appliances, so perhaps it's for the best. In the meantime I use my oven to toast bread. I set the oven to 425 and toast directly on the rack for about 5 minutes, turning once around 3 minutes. It's all about making do at this point.

I'm mentally tired. Learning so much, processing so much, saying so much. My program so far, while fascinating, can be mentally exhausting. The other night I went to bed by 9:15 and didn't even hear my phone ring an hour later, which, for me, is unheard of. I'm usually one of those people that wakens instantly and can fool you into thinking, "No, don't worry! You didn't wake me up." (Yes, you did. :-)

If you didn't already know this, Chicagoans are very proud of their city, and especially their sports teams. Advertisers create custom campaigns around the teams, as seen on this Cottonelle poster inside a bus.



DeniseMarie said...

Is it poverty that's the mother of invention? At the very least, it should be the step-mother of innovation, as you've demonstrated.

Molly W. said...

Sorry about the toaster, lame. Everything I do nowadays takes effort, sounds like you are experiencing some of that as well. sigh.