Monday, September 15, 2008

Any words for this one, Ab?

Abby recently posted about a piece of quality entertainment that left her (& me) speechless. (Seriously folks, it's all sorts of awesomeness.) I humbly offer another for her consideration:

PS. I apologize in advance if you are unable to sleep because "The renewed mind is the the Christ in me!" or "Jesus is a friend of mine, I have a friend in Jesus!" is running over and over and over and over and over...and over and over...


katie b. said...

Joseph and I were just watching that one last night. I have to say that I have never heard a Christian song so effectively work a Canadian Mountie into the lyrics.


Sara said...

Ummm, wow! I don't have enough words to begin to describe that!

Abby... the Oregonian said...

i saw this one this weekend also. i am so embarrassed to be a christian at times like these. ugh...

Molly W. said...

OH.MY.GOSH. I actually don't even know what else to say so I'll just leave it at that.

Kim said...

It's nice to know Jesus is friends with robot-human-singers :)

Anyone else glad to have a God that loves ALL OF US? I may not wear polyester and sing like a robot (did the guy really say "zap!"), but I know I've embarrassed Him too many times to count - good thing

Jesus. is. a. friend. of. mine.


DeniseMarie said...

This is a joke, right?

And what's with his clipped way of speaking? Is he is ESL? An ESL robot, eh Kim?

jen said...

who are these people?!?! skies tomorrow said...

I teach second language learners - or I did, yep Denise certainly a fluency problem! Just think...someone TAUGHT them that way to sing!